“For I the Lord do not change…” – Malachi 3:6 (ESV)


How many times have you changed something today? I changed my outfit, used a different coffee mug, took a different way to work, and even changed the agenda in a meeting this morning. If I were to stop and count, I bet you could identify a number of things you’ve changed as well. People respond differently to change. For some, change is the constant. There are those who have tried their living room furniture in every conceivable pattern possible more than once. For others, change is unsettling. Not only have they not tried to arrange their furniture in different configurations but the’ve actually not even taken the plastic off.


Whether you like change or not, it’s important to admit that positive change and negative change do exist. Positive change improves things while negative change presumably worsens matters. You see, because I’m of the opinion that nearly everything can be improved, I tend to be open and even pursuant of change for the sake of progress. Perhaps you can relate, but you would much rather not mess with a good thing that’s working, which is certainly understandable.


In either case, now consider that something or someone is perfect. In this case, any change brought upon them could not make them any more perfect. The only way to change perfection is to make it imperfect. Please read that sentence again.


Do you get it? Do you see why God does not change? In relation to the limitations of God, do you see why changing Himself is one thing He cannot do? Our God is holy, perfect, and impeccable. He could not be more glorious or more steadfast.  ‘


This week, we will find strength in the unchanging persistence of God. We’ve observed much of God’s character in the life story of Moses.  And again, we will come to see those same attributes on display as the Lord continues to strengthen Moses to fulfill His calling. Take some time to read Numbers 13-14 and take note of the unchanging character of God displayed in this familiar story of the 12 spies. Note how only two of the spies trusted in the unchanging character of God while the ten others were gripped by fear. Let’s all take some time to pray and ask the Lord to give us the faith of the two.

Check out the worship set!

Prayer Requests:

  1. Gabrielle and Kendal Stoltzfus welcomed baby girl Selah into their family on Wednesday.  We are rejoicing with them that all are doing well.
  2. Jesse Sutton and Charlene Washington have been undergoing various medical tests.  Please pray for clarity and discernment for treatment decisions.
  3. The prison team will be leading services there on December 14. Please pray for maximum impact, repentant hearts, and hope for all who are part of the service.

Loved & sent with you,

Pastor Jerry