Small Groups

We aren’t just a church with small groups, we’re a church of small groups.

Small Groups are a big deal at Mission Church. It is the place where relationships are cultivated, care is distributed, truth is encountered, and maturity is fostered in our lives. Joining a small group is an essential part of making Mission Church home.

Need help finding a group?

Let us help you by answering some FAQ’s.

How large are the groups?

Groups typically range anywhere from 6-14 people.

When do the groups meet?

They meet every other week, on various days and times. Fill out this Small Group Form for more info.

Which group should I attend?

There are four factors to consider when determining which small group to attend:

  • Select a group based on a leader’s recommendation or invitation.
  • Select a group based upon a relational connection you have made at Mission Church.
  • Select a group that fits your schedule.
  • Select a group that is nearest to your home.

How can I begin to attend?

We recommend that you contact the small group leader prior to your visiting. He will give you all the information you need about the group.

We can help you get in touch with a small group leader.

Will my small group ever change? Can I ever change groups?

Yes! Every group changes as it grows. When a group grows to a certain size it will multiply into two groups. This is a healthy and exciting reality of strong small groups.

After committing to a Small Group, people do, on occasion, change groups by seeking direction from their group leader and/or a pastor.

Where should I go for more info?

Fill out this Small Group Form for more info. Feel free to click on a leader’s name to send him an e-mail or call the number listed.

Contact the church office with any questions at 717.393.9600 or

Upcoming Events

Small Groups

Feb 17, 2025

Small Groups

Feb 18, 2025

Small Groups

Feb 20, 2025
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