God’s kingdom advances when we all Grow, Go, and Give. Mission Church is currently in a 3-year missional campaign where we have all been challenged to advance the kingdom.
Pastor Jerry cast the vision for this campaign on Sunday, September 24, 2023. Click HERE to listen to our Vision Sunday message.
The Kingdom Advance campaign launched during a 3-week sermon series with messages highlighting what the bible says about Growing, Going, and Giving. Click HERE to listen to these messages
Our Mission is to make disciples who are loved and sent to the glory of God.
Our Vision is to be a church full of witnesses who see God’s “kingdom advance.”
Our Strategy for advancing God’s kingdom is for all of us to…
Our Vision is to be a church full of witnesses who see God’s “kingdom advance.”
Our Strategy for advancing God’s kingdom is for all of us to…
GROWHEALTHY PURSUIT Pursue Spiritual Growth
Build Biblical Community
Prepare Our Facility
Plant Regionally
Support Globally
Train Leaders Constantly
GIVEHONEST SACRIFICE Give to Grow (Facility)
Give to Go (Mission)
Give to Accelerate (Debt)
WAYS TO GIVE Online & In the App You can give HERE
To give to Kingdom Advance, click the down arrow in the FUND box and select the appropriate Kingdom Advance fund. You can make a one-time gift or set a reccurring gift.
Checks should be payable to Mission Church and mailed to the church office at 651 Lampeter Road, Lancaster, PA 17602. Please note the Kingdom Advance fund you are contributing to on the memo line.
Other If you desire to give stocks, bonds, inheritances, real estate, land, etc, please contact our Treasurer at treasurer@mission-church.com.