I thought I had beat the system and had overcome my genetics. I made it past the 3rd Grade without needing glasses! Everyone on my dad’s side of my family has had an eye exam that revealed their need for specs in 3rd Grade. But not me. I had somehow slipped past the eye glass gene and was scot-free. Until blinding headaches in college struck revealing my need for, you guessed it, glasses.
I wore glasses for about 10 years until I was given the opportunity to have LASIK surgery. The eye doctor told me that he could fix my eyes to see distance clearly, but there was one downside. This procedure guaranteed I would need reading glasses by the age of 40. No problem! Until I noticed I needed lots of light to read a book and had to hold the screen further from my face. Then, I did the unthinkable and increased the size of the font on my Kindle! It was a blatant admission that my eyes had grown dim again. Reading glasses are now never far from my reach.
Just like our physical eyes, the eyes of our hearts can grow dim. Which is why Paul prays that “the eyes of your heart be enlightened.” Even after the surgery of salvation (old hard heart removed and a new heart of flesh inserted), our "heart eyes" can grow dim, causing us to stop seeing and knowing God fully. Paul prayed this would not happen to the Ephesians, and it is a prayer we need today as well.
We are Called to Comprehend in Ephesians 1:15-23, which requires the "eyes of our heart be enlightened." Will you take time to read this prayer and then ask God to enlighten the eyes of your heart to comprehend this Scripture and what it reveals about God?
Can’t wait to see the Lord in our study together!
Here's the worship set to help you prepare your heart.
Nate Newell
Pastor of Ministry & Mission Development