Another year is upon us and with it comes another opportunity to be used by the Lord in the important process of making recommendations of who could be invited to enter the elder training and selection process. Elders play a significant role in the leadership, shepherding, and care of our church.
As per our church constitution, we begin the process by inviting all attenders, not just members to make recommendations. These recommendations are not nominations for a certain candidate but a way for us to consider who could be invited into the training process. Your basis of recommendation or standard should be men who meet the qualifications and are capable of fulfilling the functions of an Elder as determined from 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 and who are also currently leading well among us.
Below is a list of those qualities and their descriptions. Please prayerfully look over these qualities, consider the men of our church with whom you are familiar, and give us your input.
If a man does not meet other qualifications (ex: membership, etc.) or as elders we have knowledge of other information that would limit him from being qualified for eldership at this time, he will not be given an invitation into the process. Nevertheless, your input is crucial for us to get a sense of who people assess as potential elders among us.
Please fill out the Recommendation Form below to submit your recommendation by the last Sunday of January.
We covet your prayers throughout these next few months. If you have any questions, please contact any one of the Elders.
You are loved!
– Mission Church Leadership