15He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. 16For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. 17And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. 18And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent.
– Colossians 1:15-18

What are you good at? Try to think of the thing you are best at. Now, consider how did you get good at that thing? Chances are you probably worked hard at it. Even if you were born with natural gifts and strengths regarding that thing, chances are it didn’t become the thing you were best at without practice, study, and some real intentionality.

This is a fact that we are still learning in my house. Perhaps it’s a boy thing, but my sons believe they are fantastic at all the “things.” They can take down any monster, climb any tree, beat up any bad guy, and literally play every sport. For example, if you talk to our five-year-old Isaiah about what he is good at, there is a good chance he’d say hockey… ice hockey. It’s important to note that this high self-assessment has been acquired despite the fact that he’s never ice-skated.

To this point, we can all smile recognizing it’s a cute phase. If you know him, you’d agree that he is a bright and charismatic young man with a bright and promising future. But there is a high probability that his best talent in life will not be found on the ice. Nevertheless, if he were to devote his staggering strength and frame to the rink, his ability to be good at it would come with lots of hard work, practice, and discipline. That’s just how it works most times. We become good by focusing on something that already exists. By learning the fundamentals of that thing. By practicing the fundamentals and then stringing fundamental elements together to create complex movements and choices to excel at the thing.

Now stop and consider that God has never improved at anything. He’s never had to learn, practice, and master the pre-established fundamentals. You see, God is good at all the things because, as the text says above, He created all things. He sustains all things. He existed before all things. And all things that are good are only good because He made them good. That’s what verse 18 means when it says, “That in everything He might be preeminent.” Our God is not just the best at something. He is the best over it. He’s never mastered anything. He is the Master over everything.

This week, we are going to find our strength in the preeminence of God. Our ability to respond and answer God’s calling in our lives is directly related to our view of His authority and position as the preeminent God. Take some time to read through Exodus 7-10. Focus on the first nine of the ten plagues. As you do, notice the power and preeminence of God. And as you read, ask yourself if there is anything that you are trusting in above God. I can’t wait for Sunday. I am fired up for this section of the Moses story. I trust that you will come ready and leave focused on the preeminence of God.

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Loved & sent with you,

Pastor Jerry