Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. 6 In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” – Proverbs 3:5–6 


Do you know what the future holds?


If you are like me, your first conditioned response is to let out a resounding… NO!  I mean after all, depending on the level of detail I knew concerning the future, I could be a very rich person, right? On the other hand, there is a certain level of detail that I don’t want to have. For example, I want to be able to watch Penn State tomorrow, only assuming they will win. Pastor Nate, on the other hand, may want a little more reassurance for his Michigan Wolverines. Either way, if we know the details and the outcome of the game ahead of time, it would take all the excitement out of the experience.


Now, consider that all of us who have faith in Christ know the future. Not all of the future obviously, but the Word has revealed just enough to fire our souls up to the max. Think about it. We know that Christ will return. We know that we will be with Him. We also know that it’s going to get worse before it gets better. But with that knowledge, we also know that God desires to use us to serve Him in pushing back the powers of darkness by spreading the message of the Gospel.


So, as we come to the end of our Courageous Calling series on the very last Sunday of the year, what a great time to look back at the past and look ahead to the future. This week, Pastor Nate and I will have the privilege of opening God’s Word at each campus respectively. As we dig into Deuteronomy 31, we will witness a reflective Moses, having embraced his past, now look into the future. He is going to pass on his calling to Joshua and the next generation. Take some time to read verses 1-8 and consider how Christ also invited His disciples to carry His mission and how that mission and calling has been passed on to us.


Finally, take some time to look back over your year and come ready to find strength to move ahead in the calling God has for you and for us all!

Check out the worship set!

Loved & sent with you,

Pastor Jerry