1 And he called the twelve together and gave them power and authority… 2 and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal. – Luke 9:1–2

Happy New Year!

Here we are again. One year gives way to another. While the tick of the clock strikes at the same pace, the passing of time seems to pass more swiftly than ever. In many respects, 2021 feels like a bit of a blur. As is the case with every year, there were highs and lows, victories and defeats, and of course fun. More than ever, I’m reminded that Jesus promised us “life to the fullest.” On this side of heaven, life to the fullest has got to have much to do with living life full of the Spirit. And of course that means living a life full of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Now more than ever, my soul longs for this kind of fullness. How about you? Do you desire the same? To be clear, I’m not talking about a porcelain, hide-the-heart, fake-the-funk, kind of smiley life. I’m praying 2022 brings us all a fresh, authentic, and integral encounter with God. The kind of encounter that leaves us soul-shaken, mind-stirred, and soul-filled with the fullness of God Himself. Do you believe it’s possible? I do, and I’d like to challenge you to join me in praying for it to happen! May 2022 be a year when our eyes are off of our circumstances and fully on the glory of Christ.

As we enter the uncharted territory of 2022, how attractive will lives lived to the fullest be to our uncertain world. As the world looks for answers amidst darkness, it is crucial to remember that we’ve been sent to shine the light of Christ. This January, we begin a new Series called SENT. It’s going to be an intensely practical 6 week study of how Jesus trained His disciples to live sent and share the gospel. Take some time to read our core text, Luke 9:1-37, and see if you don’t begin to get as fired up as I am about what’s in store. Now’s the time. The Lord has called you to live life to the fullest. It’s a life full of purpose. A life FULLY SENT! As you prepare for worship, here is the worship set to help.

Love you Church,

Jerry Lingenfelter
Senior Pastor

9:00 AM  – Worship Service On Campus & Online (Lancaster Campus)
9:15 AM  – Worship Service On Campus & Online (Myerstown Campus)
11:00 AM – Worship Service on Campus & Online (Lancaster Campus)


Everything you need for Sunday is available on the Mission Church App under Sunday Resources or on our website.