3 And he said to them, “Take nothing for your journey, no staff, nor bag, nor bread, nor money; and do not have two tunics. 4 And whatever house you enter, stay there, and from there depart. 5 And wherever they do not receive you, when you leave that town shake off the dust from your feet as a testimony against them.” 6 And they departed and went through the villages, preaching the gospel and healing everywhere. – Luke 9:3-6
As we ramp back up to worship together this Sunday, here is the Pastor’s Note from last weekend. We will be continuing in our series entitled Sent as we focus on the pursuit of Courageous Evangelism.
Several years ago, I worked for a financial services company. After studying for three months and passing an exam, I traveled to their home office to develop skills in sales and financial planning. Then, they sent me to a region in the county where I would approach the residents, door-to-door. The goal was to obtain their phone number so I could follow up with them when I came across a promising financial investment. A good day was when I obtained 25 phone numbers. Some people were not thrilled with answering their door and closed it abruptly. Others listened politely but weren’t interested, and then there were those who were willing to engage in a meaningful conversation and we exchanged numbers. Those experiences, while challenging at times, taught me to rely on my training, deal with people’s objections, and offer financial solutions to their situation.
This Sunday, as we continue our series entitled SENT, we’re going to study the training of Jesus’ disciples as we focus on the pursuit of Courageous Evangelism. In Luke 9:3-6, Jesus is sending His disciples out to a region they were familiar with. While they had watched Jesus engage in ministry, now it was their turn to do ministry and learn valuable lessons they would use for the rest of their lives.
I am excited about opening God’s Word with you and learning what Jesus wanted His disciples to learn on their first mission trip. Let’s continue to pray for those the Lord has put in our lives who need the gospel and pray for opportunities to share Christ with them.
Looking forward to a great morning of worship and time in God’s Word together with you. Here is the worship set to help you prepare your heart.
Ed Bley
Pastor of Community Life
9:00 AM – Worship Service On Campus & Online (Lancaster Campus)
9:15 AM – Worship Service On Campus & Online (Myerstown Campus)
11:00 AM – Worship Service on Campus & Online (Lancaster Campus)
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- Mission Church Website – mission-church.com/sundayresources