Multiply Conference
November 12-13, 2021
Mission Church • 651 Lampeter Road, Lancaster, PA 17602
717.393.9600 •
Mission requires multiplication. We all want to multiply disciples and churches to the glory of God, but what is the factor that accelerates the mission? We believe the answer is developing new leaders.
Multiply Conference is designed to inspire and equip church leaders to multiply themselves so the next generation of leaders are developed for the mission. What could happen if our next leaders were fully equipped by the mission to multiply? What if new leaders embraced the maturity necessary to multiply? What would happen if they were inspired by the miracle to multiply?
Join us for three interactive teachings that will inspire leaders to multiply, a hands-on workshop to refine methods for multiplication, and a dedicated team time that will practically equip your current leaders to develop upcoming leaders.
Bring your most trusted leaders to prepare for your next season of mission advancement.